
This command checks is a specified file exists on a device.

Group:Device Extensions

Syntax: [bOK =] Device.FileExists(sFileName)

bOK           (Boolean) Optional – the success or failure of the command.

sFileName   (String) specifies where on the mobile device the file should be found

vData         (Variant) contains the data read from the file. String or binary data is allowed.


' For this sample code, first copy a file to the device.

Dim szBuf() As Byte

ReadBinaryFile("c:\\temp\\my-test-file.txt", szBuf)

Device.WriteFile("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/my-test-file.txt", szBuf, False)

' Check for the existence of the file

If Device.FileExists("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/my-test-file.txt") Then

App.MsgBox("Test file exists")


App.MsgBox("Test file is missing")

End If

' Check for a non-existent file

If Device.FileExists("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/this-file-does-not-exist") Then

App.MsgBox("Failed to confirm nonexistent file")


App.MsgBox("Nonexistent file confirmed")

End If

Supported Versions:    RFgen and higher.